School Family Compact

At Housman Elementary, success is a collective effort that involves everyone - students, educators, families, and community members.

We have high expectations for all! This is emphasized through the annual Home-School Compact, which outlines ways for schools and families to collaborate towards the success of our students. 

This collaborative effort was made possible through the contributions of our staff, families, and students, who worked together to develop this important document through task forces, CIT meetings, surveys, and parent meetings.

Effective Compacts

  • Link to academic achievement goals
  • Focus on student learning
  • Share strategies that staff, families and students can use
  • Explain how teachers and families will communicate about student progress
  • Describe opportunities for families to volunteer and participate in the classroom

Our families, students and staff worked together and shared ideas to develop the home-school compact.

  • Staff Contributions: Task Forces, CIT Meetings, Professional Development
  • Family contributions: CIT Meetings, Surveys, Parent Meetings